Journal Entry #12

Currently Reading: Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood

Well, we’ve reached the 12 entry requirement threshold, but don’t worry (my zero readers), I love writing these little rants so I plan on continuing through the end of the semester.

How are we already nearing the end of this unprecedented semester? Today I said goodbye to my biology lab TA over our last meeting and the act of goodbye felt unusually empty. I love developing academic bonds with my peers and teachers, yet this semester has made that ever so difficult. These are people I have worked and communicated with for the past 13 weeks, yet we near the end, and I feel like I barely know (the majority of) them any more than when I started. At the same time, however (particularly in this course) I have learned just a little bit more about each of my classmate’s minds and their opinions on mental health, literature, and society. This course has provided me with a fascinating outlook on life and literature and it is something I will be eternally grateful for.

But let’s save the sappiness for goodbye. We still have work to do ladies and gentlemen. This week and last I began working on my animation and poem for our genre project. I was reminded of the unfortunate reality that I am not good at animations. They are extremely tedious and even with my mediocre patience, I find myself getting overwhelmed by the continuous tweaks of individual frames. Yet, as somewhat of an optimist, I put my best foot forward and try to enjoy myself! This project has been a wonderful challenge and I’m looking forward to continuing my work on it!