Currently Reading: The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan
A little late on this entry I’m afraid. I tried my best to avoid schoolwork last Wednesday and Thursday (my first days off in months), yet still managed to spend most of my time studying. Oh well, I still had a very pleasant dinner with my sister. And there were lots of mashed potatoes so I’m not complaining.
I spent over an hour last night reading and rereading my genre project, hesitating over the submit button. However, I worked to the best of my abilities on it and I am proud of what I accomplished so I suppose that is all I can do. I clicked submit and walked away. Now I suffer the uncomfortable weeks that follow, waiting for our final grades.
I haven’t decided yet whether I am excited or terrified of our final research paper..? I think a little of both. I’m excited to examine a question I have not considered before, yet I am also terrified by the extent of this project. I appreciate how much time we have been given to work on it, though I’m sure it will race by and I will spend the entire time stressing over the looming deadline.
I just keep telling myself, “Only one more month. You can do it. You will survive…” And I know I will survive, but maybe what I look forward to the least is having to say goodbye to this wonderful class. I’d rather not think about that now, though. Best to avoid discomfort…right? Pretty sure that’s what they teach you. Probably.