I’m a bumble bee.
Oh wait, no. I meant busy bee. I’m a busy bee. Busy indeed…
I can’t recall the last time I had a day without anything on my plate and I don’t expect a day like that anytime soon. Maybe by Thanksgiving, but I plan on having a very full plate on that day.
This week of psychopathology stretched outside the fictional world momentarily to delve into the realm of research. I don’t normally enjoy research. In my science courses, it typically means trying to comprehend titles like, “Organophosphate and pyrethroid hydrolase activities of mutant Esterases from the cotton bollworm Helicoverpa armiger,” or something equally complex. Yet, I was far more engaged in this week’s articles. I love learning about even just a fraction of our brain’s complexity and overwhelming capacity. It’s most literally mind-boggling that our brain has somehow created a system that cannot fully comprehend itself. For my research, I looked into the psychological phenomena of “repression” and “age regression.” Turns out, these are very controversial and questionable conditions, so we will see how writing this character profile goes.
I believe this is a very busy time in everyone’s semester and while I have a lot to do this weekend, on top of my job, I think I’m okay. I just have to wake up each day, do what needs to be done, then get some sleep. Sleep being the most vital in that equation. I wish you all the best of luck and don’t forget to sleep.